Chilling with my Dad and Sister

Well it’s been ages since I wrote my last blog but it has been busy in our house and Megan, my hooman sister is currently doing something called GCSE exams and I’m having to be good so she has peace and quiet to revise…….sounds really boring to me.

At Easter I went to see my Dad, Sister and half Sister (plus more Ceskys) at their hooman family. Wally, my Dad is a cool dude just like me and it was lovely to see Coco because I haven’t seen her since we were 9 weeks old. Whilst it was lovely getting to see the other dogs I did have to be groomed whilst I was there, on the upside by the time it was finished I did look more like my Dad and Sister. Since that day my Mum has been grooming me (and Heidi) at home. I do complain and try to make it difficult for her but I’m not too naughty as I’m worried if I am she may cut my ear or tail off by mistake. I’m looking quite dapper at the moment.

It’s been very hot recently and the other day when we were out walking there was a couple of dogs swimming after their tennis balls in the river. I decided it looked fun so I went over to Mum and sat and barked at her and the bag she had with her because I knew my tennis ball was in there. To start with Mum only threw it just into the water and my paws could still touch the bottom. Then she started to throw it a bit further and because my legs are so short I had to do my best doggy paddle to get to it. It was fun.

We went to the Peak District the other weekend. It was Wirksworth Carnival and Well Dressing weekend. There was music in the Market square, a procession and we had some lovely drinks (and a few crisps) in the pub’s gardens. It’s always a shame to come home because the walks are fab up there but I know we’ll be there again soon.

Hopefully it won’t be so long until I update you again.

Love Radley x

A new friend, nursery rhymes and snow ⛄️

I’m going to have a new friend soon. My Nanny and Grandad are getting a poodle puppy later this month, she is called Ellie and I’ve seen a picture of her and she looks very cute. It will be Heidi and my job to show her around the town, teach her how to chase balls and play fight. Apparently when they go away she will be coming to stay with us which will be fun.

Megan (my hooman sister) thinks I’m a baby because she sings nursery rhymes to me. The other week I was happily sitting on her knee when she decided to sing row, row the boat. It was quite funny but I got a bit scared when she said “if you see a crocodile don’t forget to scream”. I didn’t know you got crocodiles in England

March has started with lots of snow which has been fab. Heidi and me have had a brill time playing and rolling in it. I have to wear my coat when I go out in the cold so I try to hide from Mum. Every time I hide in the corner of the room and look at the wall so I can’t see her but somehow she always finds me, I just don’t understand why! I’ve been for some great walks but I do have one issue and that is when it sticks to be legs and beard. Mum has to wrap me in a towel and cuddle me until I warm up and all the snow melts.

Next week I am going to Crufts and will be on the Cesky stand in the Discover Dogs area. I am being groomed in preparation on Tuesday. I will tell you all about it in my next blog but if you are at Crufts, especially on Saturday come and say hi, I’d love to see you.

Love Radley x

Hi, I’m Radley

Hi, I’m Radley a Cesky (Czech) Terrier. I live with my hooman family in Hertfordshire but spend a lot of time exploring the Peak District too. I also have a big sister called Heidi who’s a Schnauzer. Oh, and I nearly forgot about Oscar, the grumpy old cat that lives with us too. He’s not much fun because he doesn’t want to play with me, I don’t know why.

Not many people have heard of a Cesky so here’s a little bit of information. The first Cesky Terrier was bred in 1948 by a Czech man called Frantisek Horak who crossed a Scottish Terrier with a Sealyham Terrier. If you want to find more about me and my ancestors click here Cesky Terrier Club

This is a picture of Heidi and me – I’m the little one, but I have very big character.

I’m going to let you know about some of my exploits in my blog. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Last Saturday I was invited to go to Discover Dogs with some of my relatives (my dad – Wally, sister – Coco and half sister – Portia) and some other Ceskys to be on the Cesky stand. We had to go to a big scary place called The ExCel in London. When I got out the car this big thing flew over my head, it wasn’t a bird – I like to chase them – Mum said it was an aeroplane because we were near something called City Airport. All I know was it was very noisy and I didn’t like it.

I spent all day being stroked and having my ears rubbed, it was lovely. My Mum chatted to all the other hoomans because they kept asking questions about me and the other dogs. I think my Mum loved talking about me and she was very proud when people said how much they liked me. I was a really good boy but was exhausted by the end of the day and slept all the way home. Although when I got home I still had energy to play with Heidi whilst Mum was trying to relax in front of the TV. I was told I was a natural and may go to Discover Dogs at Crufts next year too.

Me and my Hooman Mum

The other Ceskys looking very glamorous with their show cuts.

At the moment we are in the Peak District so when I return I will let you know what I’ve been up to. I hope you’ve enjoyed my first blog and come back for my second soon.

Radley x